Thank you for visiting our site, we are an organization that’s committed to the spirit of excellence, integrity, and character, which allows God’s plan and purpose to be a shining example to a generation of people who must rely upon God’s word to be the principle manual to instruct us for everyday living.
Our integrity is the basis of trust which is a product of leadership thereby
changing the hearts and minds of everyone that we may come in contact with causing them to now realize that they are the benefactors of a moral, courageous society filled with true possibility and many opportunities to effect the next generation. This fact helps us determine our decision and actions, affecting tomorrow’s adults, educators as well as adolescence.
Our mission is to provide leadership for change of youth, family units and communities. It operates by creating legitimate, alternative pathways to adulthood, equal access to services that are least intrusive, culturally sensitive, and consistent with the highest professional standards. We have a clear guiding vision that engenders persistence and perseverance even in the face of setbacks and failure. We have a deep controlling desire that makes us committed to the leadership of a dying generation of parents and children who have lost their
way. As leaders we are individuals whose character has been tested, proven and established as being faithful and trustworthy
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